Citizenship in India: A Complete Guide for MPSC & UPSC Aspirants


Citizenship is one of the fundamental aspects of a nation, defining the relationship between an individual and the state. The Indian Constitution provides detailed provisions on citizenship under

Part II (Articles 5-11). This article covers all important aspects, including exam-related questions and associated articles.

Meaning of Citizenship

Citizenship signifies full membership in a country, granting individuals certain rights and duties. An Indian citizen enjoys rights such as the right to vote, protection under the law, and the ability to hold public office.

Articles Related to Citizenship

The Indian Constitution defines citizenship provisions under Articles 5 to 11:

  1. Article 5 – Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution.
  2. Article 6 – Rights of citizenship for migrants from Pakistan.
  3. Article 7 – Citizenship rights for people migrating to Pakistan but returning to India.
  4. Article 8 – Citizenship rights for people of Indian origin residing outside India.
  5. Article 9 – Loss of Indian citizenship if an individual voluntarily acquires citizenship of another country.
  6. Article 10 – Continuation of citizenship rights as per laws made by Parliament.
  7. Article 11 – Parliament's power to regulate citizenship through legislation.

Modes of Acquiring Indian Citizenship

According to the Citizenship Act, 1955, an individual can acquire Indian citizenship through:

  1. By Birth – A person born in India (before 1987 or after with conditions) is a citizen.
  2. By Descent – A person born outside India to Indian parents can acquire citizenship.
  3. By Registration – Certain categories of people, such as overseas Indians, can apply.
  4. By Naturalization – Foreign nationals can acquire citizenship after fulfilling residency requirements.
  5. By Incorporation of Territory – If a new territory is merged into India, its residents become Indian citizens.

Loss of Citizenship

A person can lose Indian citizenship in three ways:

  1. Renunciation – Voluntarily giving up Indian citizenship.
  2. Termination – Automatic loss upon acquiring foreign citizenship.
  3. Deprivation – Government revokes citizenship under specific conditions.

Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019

The CAA, 2019 provides a fast-track route for persecuted religious minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan to acquire Indian citizenship. It applies to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians who entered India before December 31, 2014.

Important Questions Asked in Exams

Here are some frequently asked questions on citizenship in MPSC & UPSC:

  1. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with citizenship? (Part II)
  2. Which article defines citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution? (Article 5)
  3. Which article deals with the rights of migrants from Pakistan? (Article 6)
  4. Which act governs Indian citizenship? (Citizenship Act, 1955)
  5. What are the modes of acquiring Indian citizenship? (Birth, Descent, Registration, Naturalization, Incorporation)
  6. How can Indian citizenship be lost? (Renunciation, Termination, Deprivation)
  7. What is the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019? (Law granting citizenship to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries)
  8. Can an Indian citizen hold dual citizenship? (No, India does not allow dual citizenship.)
  9. Who has the power to regulate citizenship in India? (Parliament under Article 11)
  10. What is the significance of Article 9? (It states that an individual ceases to be an Indian citizen if they voluntarily acquire foreign citizenship.)


Citizenship is a crucial topic in Indian Polity for competitive exams like MPSC, UPSC, and other state-level exams. Understanding constitutional provisions, legal frameworks, and recent amendments like CAA, 2019 is essential. Keep revising articles and solving previous year’s questions to master this topic!

Stay tuned for more informative blogs on MPSC preparation!

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